Winstrol 50 (Orale Stanozolol)





The main advantage of winstrol in tablets is the ability to build quality muscle without unnecessary water retention. Stanaza together with a low-carbohydrate diet and a properly selected training programme is able to make muscle mass harder, tougher, and more relief. The combined use of vinstrol with other non-aromatising steroids (trenbolone, for example) transforms the shapeless bodies of bodybuilders who fatten up in the off-season into the likeness of Apollo. Competent combination of stanozolol with other AAS helps athletes to achieve the deepest relief and perfect muscle separation. Like other steroids, winstrol is not only a bodybuilder, but also a good assistant in strength progress and endurance work.

Our fathers and grandfathers remember the time when Russian bodybuilding was still in its infancy and Russian athletes, who were used to shortages and queues, had to make do with an extremely scarce set of drugs, a kind of pharmacological dry rations, which could be obtained in pharmacies and other “hot spots”. In those distant years the work on the quality of the gained mass was not easy; the pharmarsenal for “shrinking” and making local Hercules was scarce to the point of outrage… the main drug for pre-competition preparation was Pharmadon/Dalchimpharm propionate. Therefore, the appearance of the newest drug of Western origin on the Russian “black” AAS market in the early 90s could not go unnoticed. Winstrol was very quickly adopted by our athletes and at least somehow diversified the range of steroids that was available in those olden days.

Domestic ascetics, who were used to water-pressure testosterone and methane, who had time to cling to dexamethasone and insulin, who loved pharmacy Retabolil and “soviet” protein “Atlant” with every cell of their immense bodies, were always distrustful and wary of everything new. However, our jocks liked the injectable form of stanozolol, and competitive bodybuilders and amateur athletes appreciated all the advantages of this anabolic steroid.

In the West, winstrol began to be widely used in sports in the 80s, and the active ingredient itself was first produced in the early 60s by Sterling (USA). Winstrol is a trade mark of the chemical substance stanozolol (dihydrotestosterone derivative). The drug is an aqueous suspension of stanozolol. Stanazolol is also available in oral form. There is absolutely no difference between oral and injectable stanozolol – it is the same drug. So, if you have the injectable version of the steroid in your “medicine cabinet” and you do not like frequent injections, you can safely drink the contents of ampoules. Although stanozolol is still much more effective when administered intramuscularly.

For many years, a course of winstrol has been successfully used in various sports. Initially, representatives of “light” sports disciplines turned their attention to this unique medication. Stanozolol is the most common AC among runners, swimmers, fighters and chess players. This is evidenced by the annals of doping testing. Over the past two decades, this particular anabolic has been detected in doping samples more often than any other steroid. A huge number of athletes have been found to have used vinstrol and have been disqualified. Many athletes have been stripped of their titles, regalia and records because of a positive doping test for stanozolol, after which further sporting careers were impossible. However, the risk that athletes taking stanozolol took was justified by the amazing results and unimaginable effectiveness of this steroid. Stanaza made the athlete stronger, faster and more enduring in a very short period of time without any noticeable weight gain. Following track and field athletes and chess players, representatives of purely male sports became interested in winstrol… gradually winstrol began to penetrate into bodybuilding, gaining new fans among jocks.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg



Dragon Pharma

volume de commande

Pacchetto (100 Comprimés)


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