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Stan-Max (Stanozolol) is a strong anabolic steroid with a moderate androgenic index. This drug differs from other steroids in that it is not prone to aromatisation and has no negative effects on the liver. At the moment, Winstrol Depot is one of the most popular steroids among both professionals and amateur athletes. Despite the fact that the drug is quite old, its popularity does not decrease with time.

Effects of Winstrol Depot

The range of sports disciplines in which people resort to the use of stanozolol is very large and includes representatives from athletics to bodybuilding. First of all, athletes favour Stanozolol because of its effects, among which are the stimulation of qualitative muscle development (at the same time, the steroid promotes the removal of excess water from the body, increasing relief and muscle strength), increasing strength and endurance. in athletes.

Dosage and cycle information

To get contoured muscles and pronounced venation, athletes can take a solo course. In addition, strength performance is significantly increased. Stanozolol course is suitable for everyone who has sufficient mass and a small amount of fat deposits. Here are some recommendations:

Since Stanozolol has a short period of action, injections should be made with a frequency of once a day or once every two days;

Of the two forms of administration, it is better to choose intramuscular;

The daily dose, which is considered optimal for adult men, is 50-100mg (1-2 ampoules);

The beginning of the course should be carried out with a minimum dose of 25mg, which should be brought to the norm within a week;

You should take the anabolic for about 6-8 weeks;

The end of the course (after about 1.5 weeks) should be carried out with a reduction of the dose to the initial dose;

For positive effects during the course, you should take sports nutrition such as protein or amino acids at the same time.

This advice is sufficient to obtain good results with minimal risk of side effects.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg


Blasen pro Packung, Stck




volume de commande

1 blister (50 compressed), 1 pack (2 blisters)


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