



STAMAX (Winstrol\Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid generally used in cutting cycles, not many people consider Winstrol to be a bulking drug.

For example, although Winstrol is sold in tablet form, it is difficult to see it being used for bulking like other tablet forms such as Danabol or Anapolon. What it will give you in a bulking cycle is already limited. If you wish, let’s make a small-scale analysis to get to know and understand this drug better and better understand what it does

Produced from the dihydrotestorone derivative (DHT), this synthetic anaboliser was developed by Winthrop Labs in 1962 and made into a commercial drug.

Unlike most anabolic steroids, winstrol is not a drug produced only as an injection or only as tablets. It is an esterified drug in both forms. Winstrol has a high level of oral bioavailability, and due to its chemical structure C-17 a-alkollylation, metabolism allows this drug to survive and function when taken orally. This provides us with evidence that this drug can be used both injectively and orally.

Winstrol is used as both a human and veterinary medicine. For human use, it is used for anaemia (anaemia) and hereditary oedema. Veterinarians use this drug on animals for muscle development, increasing red blood cells, increasing bone density and density.

Since it is a performance enhancing drug, it is banned by the IAAF, and the fact that it is frequently used in horse races in America seems to be a proof of the veterinary use of the drug.

In the bodybuilding world, as I mentioned in the introduction of the article, it is often used in cutting cycles, but one of the mistakes made at this point is the confusion of whether Winstrol burns fat or not. Winstrol is an anaboliser that makes the lines prominent and hard, but it does this by excreting water and showing dürietic effects, not through adipose tissue. If we make a logic at this point, we can say that the best body form for Winstrol use would be a form with a relatively low fat content. Winstrol used with low fat content will be more effective.

When the drug first appeared on the market, the recommended dosage as a tablet was 10-25 mg daily, while this dosage was 25-50 mg daily in injection. As with any anabolic substance, the dosages of this drug have changed. Today’s dosage ranges from 30-90 mg daily in tablet form to 150-300 mg weekly in injectable form.

It is difficult to understand the originality of the product in tablet form, but the original winstrol colour in injection products is white and milky in consistency.

Winstrol (stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid generally used in cutting cycles, not many people think of Winstrol as a bulking drug.

For example, although Winstrol is sold in tablet form, it is difficult to see it being used for bulking like other tablet forms such as Danabol or Anapolon. What it will give you in a bulking cycle is already limited. If you wish, let’s make a small-scale analysis to get to know and understand this drug better and better understand what it does

Produced from the dihydrotestorone derivative (DHT), this synthetic anaboliser was developed by Winthrop Labs in 1962 and made into a commercial drug.

Unlike most anabolic steroids, winstrol is not a drug produced only as an injection or only as tablets. It is an esterified drug in both forms. Winstrol has a high level of oral bioavailability, and due to its chemical structure C-17 a-alkollylation, metabolism allows this drug to survive and function when taken orally. This provides us with evidence that this drug can be used both injectively and orally.