Stanozolol (Winstrol) Aquila Pharmaceuticals 100 Tabletten (10mg/tab)

5,90 59,00 

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Steroid profile

Stanozolol in both tablets and injections demonstrates:

  • 320% anabolic and 30% androgenic effects from testosterone;
  • moderate liver toxicity in any form;
  • no aromatisation;
  • activity up to 8 hours;
  • detection on doping control up to a year (360 days).

It is virtually impossible for competitive athletes to take Winstrol. Traces of steroid use can be detected by the latest chromatography-mass spectrometry methods even one year after the end of the course.

Effect of Winstrol

Taking the drug:

  • Emphasises muscle definition. Being a specific anabolic steroid, it does not give practically any growth in volume, but gives the muscles a beautiful relief. Against the background of taking Stanozolol, the venous mesh becomes more pronounced, the reduction of fat deposits increases.
  • Withdraws excess accumulated fluid. This property makes the drug effective in getting rid of the resulting increase in cell hydration after and against the background of taking a course of AAC.
  • Reduces high globulin. This substance creates connections between sex hormones. There is an increase in efficiency from the use of anabolic and androgenic steroids.
  • It has anti-estrogenic and anti-progestagenic effects. This fact has not been studied and has no scientific confirmation to date.
  • Increases the indicators of endurance and strength.
  • Increases appetite.

Possible side effects

Winstrol represents one of the few safe steroids that are also taken by women. Zero estrogenic activity is manifested by the absence of negative effects such as gynaecomastia and swelling.

However, taking this steroid in unlimited amounts is highly not recommended. It dries out the ligaments, which is manifested in increased stress during training, the likelihood of injuries, including rupture of ligaments and tendons. This negative effect can be eliminated by the use of appropriate supplements.

Against the background of taking Stanozolol may increase blood pressure, cholesterol, androgenic negative manifestations such as suppression of endogenous testosterone, hair loss, acne (acne). To eliminate the toxic effect on the liver, take hepatoprotectors.

Negative effects when using Winstrol are quite rare, especially if the athlete, taking the steroid, complies with all prescriptions and dosage.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg


Blasen pro Packung, Stck



Products pharmaceutiques Aquila

volume de commande

1 blister of 10 compresses, 1 pack (10 blisters)


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