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Rexobol is a stanozolol-based preparation from Alpha-Pharma, which is one of the most popular and effective sports anabolic steroids on the market. The drug is widely used for drying and fat burning, increasing endurance and improving muscle definition.

Rexobol is an oral drug that is characterised by fast action and minimal risk of side effects. The drug has the ability to preserve muscle mass and reduce the level of subcutaneous fat, which makes it indispensable in bodybuilding and other sports.

To achieve maximum effect from the use of the drug, it is recommended to combine it with proper nutrition and training, as well as with other anabolic steroids. The optimal dosage of Rexobol for men is from 30 to 80 mg per day, and for women – from 10 to 20 mg per day. The drug should be taken for 6 to 8 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break.

Stanozolol is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic androgenic steroid, or more specifically a structurally altered form. The drug has a high oral bioavailability since it is an 17-Alpha-Alkylated steroid, meaning that it has been altered at the 17th carbon position to survive oral ingestion. Beyond a reduction in SHBG, which is one of its primary traits, Winstrol will enhance protein synthesis and greatly increase nitrogen retention in the muscles. It is a long standing favourite among competitive bodybuilders and physique based athletes during cutting or contest prep phases. It is also a top steroid of choice for numerous performance athletes due to its ability to promote strength and endurance without unwanted mass. The steroid will help produce a dryer, harder look but only if you’re relatively lean.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compress, mg


Blasen pro Packung, Stck



Alpha Pharma

volume de commande

1 blister of 10 compresses, 1 pack (5 blisters)


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